Fri 03 Jan
[GoRGEoUS * * F@CE] --[SExY * * CURVES] --[100% * * RE@L PIC] --[EXoTiC TRE@T] --[HIGHLY REVIEWED] - 25
(Austin, Austin Incall Only)
(¯`★´¯) -*_G_E_n_T_ L_e_M_e_N_s_*# ❶_ C__h__O__i__C__ e_*- (¯`★´¯) - 35
(Austin, North Incall private)
Goddess Ambika returns to Austin 2/26 until 3/5! Come discover Tantra from the best! - 27
(183 N & Great Hills Trail)
█ ♥ FrEak 0F ThE WeeK !! (*FiNGeRLiCKiN G00D*) FLiRTy && DiRTy !! ♥ █ - 22
(♥::N. Austin IN or OUT::♥)
(FuLLY NRGiZD-NÕ BÅTTRiS) ¤#1DraftPick¤ DrÅM G!RL SuPerBowL - 24
(Austin, 8 0 * 80 *80 ----)
•:*.• Gorgeous Busty, Blonde, Blue Eyed, Beauty •:*.•High Class :*.• .•:*.•CLICK ON ME- - 26
(Austin, San Marcos, Austin and Surrounding Areas)
★☆★☆★ FIVE STAR, top NOTCH provider, VISITING your area... GORGEOUS, exotic PRINCESS ☆★☆★☆ - 22
(Austin, Austin incall)
♛ Get the EXECUTIVE SWEET TREATMENT™ ♛ Catering to Gentlemen Visiting San Antonio ♛ - 41
(Austin, San Antonio)
💕 Girl Next Door 💞 🆕🆕🆕DREAMYYY Blonde 😍 Only here for short time!💎 Don't miss out 💕 - 22
(Austin, 💖Domain &surrounding; areas 💖)
*** ~ FrIdAy ____ MoRnInG ____ CoMpAnY (( ** Check out my new pics ** )) ~ *** - 23
(Austin, N. Austin/incall)
Thu 02 Jan
_____________ THE _____________ ULTIMATE _____________ CARAMEL __________ CUTIE - 23
(Parmer & I-35/Private Incall)
ThicK $0ft b👀ty provider !!🎉 Available NOW!! South ATX. No BS! Real Deal! - 22
(Austin, Ben White & i35, North, South)
$~Thick & Tasty ~ come get some of my goodies ....100% satisfaction.. BBW.... - 30
(Austin, I35&290)
(ThE ULtIMaTE PaCKaGE) *** BraINS + BooTY + BeAuTY = CuTiE *** ( aLWaYS On dUtY ) LOVES 2 PaRTY - 24
(North Incall & Outcalls ALL Over)
~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Tall, Busty (36 G), Beautiful Bombshell ~~~~ ~~~~~~ - 31
(Austin, Arboretum, Northwest)
The lovely MAiN ATTRACTiON ☆ & Yes Your Best CHOiCE ☆ Specials! - 23
(Austin, 620 and andersonmill)
TEXasS fiNESt☆ H_O_t_t * __ ( GIRL NEXT DOOR )☆ THE SEXiEST ★★ - 22
(Austin, northwest austin8176092418)
💙 (¯`'•.¸ ¸.•'´¯💙 T•A•K•E 🎈A 🎈 N•A•U•G•H•T•Y 🎈 L•I•T•T•L•E 🎈 D•E•T•O•U•R 💙 ¯`'•.¸ ¸.•'´¯) - 24
(Austin, North, North I-35 In/Outcalls)
👑The Best There is💯💯👑 💎last Min Qv's 50,60💎Not availible after today50&60👑 - 25
(Arboretum, Austin, North)
********** BaCk By PoPuLaR dEmAnD!!!!!!!!! ********* LoTs oF cLAsS aNd A SiDe oF AsS!!!!!
SWEET (_(* C*L*A*S*S*Y*)_) SEXY ( _(_ R*E*D__H*E*A*D _)_) H*O*T - 23
(South Austin Incalls Only)
SuGaR & SpiCe ★ EvErYtHinG NiCe ★ TrY Me OnCe ★ You'LL CoMe BaCk TwiCe* Jamaican mamii - 19
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, killeen&surrounding; ares)
*** Summertime Its Time To Have A Taste Of Jamacian Decadence*** - 35
(Austin, Austin and Surrounding Areas)
SuNdayFunDaY❣ DOUBLE Ds 🍈🍈 JUICY Booty 🍑 SLIM Waist ⏳ Mature BLONDE Curvy Cutie 🌸 - 23
(Austin, North, Outcalls)
+ +SPECIALS 2 Day++ *Playmate Meets Energizer BuNNY** ThAT WouLD Be ME+++ - 38
(Austin, North Austin Round Rock)
!!!!Special Early 25% Discount !!!! Young &Petite; (4' 11" 93 Lbs) Schoolgirl - 23
(Austin ( In & Out Call))
short & thick in ALL the right places ((( specials))) please call for details - 26
(north aust on I-35)
Sexy*~*4'11~*~ Outgoing ~*`Energetic ~*~Enthusiastic ~*~Multiple *Orgasmic~*~ GFE~*~ - 29
° .. SOFT LIPS° .. CUTE HIPS ;° ..TASTES LIKE Candy * ° .. - SURE THINGღ° .. - 27
Sexy Suductive Latina Hall Of Fame Sunday Football Specials *** HABLO ESPANOL *** - 22
(Austin, Austin 290 & 35 N Incalls/Outcalls)
███████ ◆SM0KiN H0T ██████ ◆InDePeNdEnT ██████ ◆100% REAL ██████ ◆SEXXY& PETITE██████ - 23
* SiMPLy BEAutiFUL * SMOKing HOT boDY * SPEctaCULar reviEWS * $100 HOLidaY speCiAL - 30
(Austin, Mo-Pac & N. Capital of Texas Hwy/Incall)
sexy, young , classy brunette** beautiful, NATURAL, large breasts! ♥♥24\7. incall/outcall - 23
*❤* ••••►★.•*¨¨*• : ☆:-•* SEXXY •-:☆: -•*¨ SWEET¨*• •-:☆: -•*¨*•HOTTIE•- - 18
(Austin, Downtown, South Austin)