Mon 27 Jan
🍦 WILD B L O N D E Kitten 😽 Total Bombshell ✨✨ Silk Smooth Tight Body 🍭🍭 Delicious Surprises!! - 21
(Arboretum, Austin, North)
*Weekend Specials & New Pics are Here** So End Your Week in Style! - 23
(Austin, Just north of downtown off 35)
WAY new!!! Best New Piece Of FUN!! * Slip In Side * MiXxXed Beauty // Landrie @ 512-680-4819 - 21
(So Classy - 35 / 290)
Wanna Play? RedHaired FireCracker HoTTie! TODAY Is My LAST DAY In Town!!! - 30
(Austin, Mo-Pac & N.Capitol of Texas Hwy)
wanna REAL Pinay girl?? Ur very own Petite, Mxd Filipina Playmate -Seeking Poss LTR's- Avail. 11p-?? - 24
(austin Incall/outcall)
((WaNt 2 PLaY?)) ((I DO!)) ((iTs TiMe)) ((PLaYtiMe!)) ((INCALL ~ OuTcALL!!)) (( ID:155609)) - 33
(** Austin Central North/Outcalls 24/7**)
Voluptuous biracial beauty! New comfy and convienent incall! Little rules and limits! Just fun! - 26
(mc neil and 35/ outcalls)
♥ ~^V^V^V^~ Making~^V^V^V^~ He♥arts ~^V^V^V^~ Beat ~^V^V^V^~ Faster ~^V^V^V^~ ♥ - 21
Visiting San Antonio or Austin? It's already getting HOT here...
(San Antonio & Austin & surrounding areas)
***** VISITING you FOR spring BREAK! ****** COMING next sat night ill be AVAILABLE SUNDAY! - 19
♡ ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄♡♡ ——▐ ►ViSiTiNg FoR A LiMiTeD TiMe OnLy————▐ ►* ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄♡ - 19
(Austin, E ben white south austin 35s 71)
[ VISITING!!! ] »» [ * Gentlemen's # ❶ Choice * ] »» [ 100% REAL PICS!!] - 26
*VISITING* {{I'm}} ★ Still {{Up}} ☆ Wanna {{Come}} ★ {{Play}} ☆ With Me?? - 21
(call for location....)
Wow* ExTreMely SeXy & IrreSislIbE** U CaN't MisS tHis..!**NeW pics ** SeXy EyES!!!! - 24
(Austin, South Austin And Surronding Areas)
WoW OMG ! BUSTY FUN ...... (DANA) SWEET & S@SSY ...... Enjoy 5 Star Service With ME! - 25
(Austin, Austin /Arboretum/ North)
$ WILLING 2 TRAVEL 250 fee massage hr 2109964580 atx to sa - 25
(Austin, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, sa atx n outside between, San Marcos, Waco)
!!♥ WiLd & FReaKy LaTiNa BabYDoLL ToTaLLy WiLLiNg & REady 2 SaTiSfy YOuR EVEry DeSiRe:)!! - 23
**WHOA! MISS.WATERFALL! Come Experience my little secret! $100 IN/$150 OUT - 25
(Austin, North/Central/I35 and St.johns)
wEt TiGht sExY ExXxOtiC...cUm tEsT dRiVe tHiS BeNtLeY 100% mE AnD WeLL ReViEwEd - 21
(RouND RoCK iNCaLLs OnLy)
Well Reviewed Chelsea ~~ INCALLS ~~ 10a-3am ~ April is now a NaughtyGurl INCALLS 10am-2am - 27
(North Austin, Texas)
***WeLL ReViEwed ** NaTural 36DDD (.)(.)**BiG @Ss***** EXOTIC BaRbIe** 100% ®€@£* - 28
(183/35, Austin, Downtown)
~*~* WeLcOmE 2 CoMpLeTe SaTiSfAcTIoN SUPAFREAK $pEcIals~*~* - 25
((WaNt 2 PLaY?)) ((I DO!)) ((iT's TiMe)) ((PLaYtiMe!)) ((TER ID: 155609)) LasT DayS!!!! - 33
(Discreet Austin Location)
W E L L R E V I E W E D>>Come See Why>>>> Let ME Fulfill Your FANTASY... I AM Ohhh Sooo Good.
Voluptuous Biracial beauty with all natural size 40h tits and juicy booty. Submissive and waiting! - 28
(Austin, CENTRAL 35/290)
vr¥ Bo¥'§ Wi§h ღ vr¥ Hu§bAnD's §CRT ღ vr¥ MaN§ FaNtA§¥ - - 20
☆ Voluptuous B I G BOOTY BAD GIRL Available Now ☆ $60 S P E C I A L ☆ - 36
Visiting* PUERTO RICAN/ITALIA N* P L A Y M A T E xxx G O R G E O U S * * P L A Y M A T E - 24
(austin and all surrounding areas)
Visting you for memorial day weekend! ********** Its your favorite girl ever! LYNDSEY! - 19
(80 -- short stop!)
VISITING! ▀▄▀▄▀▄ ❤BREATHTAKING New HOttIE ♡ SwEeT & Petite▀▄▀▄▀▄ - 22
(Austin, new in town n austin)
*Visiting* Hott Brunnette Beauty with an awesome Booty(really me or its Free) - 25
(Austin, austin I-35)
▪▪VISITING▪▪ N € W • H O T T I € • (Leaving Today!) ♥ S P E C I A L S ♥( 1oO% R€AL ) ~ ♥!!!! - 23
(Austin, South Austin)
► VISITING ► 2 SPOTS LEFT ► Erotic Adventures w/ Hot, Fit Married COUPLE - 30
(Austin, Austin (I 35 & E. Koening) 78752)
ViSiTiNG & AvAiLaBle NoW! PreTTy ☆HoT ☆AnD ☆ TEmpTiNg ☆ BeAuTiFuL BrUnEtTe - 24
Wild Blonde * Laura * 512-241-2882 Csh /Crd / Discreet *Independent! - 25
(Austin, Austin and surrounding areas)
°°¤ WHo On BaCkPaGe DO WanT ... When *** DESirE *** HaS aLl ThAt YoU NeEd ¤°° Krazy Specials - 25
(North Austin incall only)
~♚♡ WHY GAMBLE ♚♡♚♡ WHEN I Am ♚♡♚♡ A SURE♚♡♚♡WIN♚♡♚♡ - -♥-» - 24
(Austin, South, South Austin incalls and outcalls)
What Is A Nice Man Like You..Doing In A Dirty Mind Like Mine!! - 23
(Austin, Austin Only/ Let's Have Fun)