Sat 22 Feb
Mon 27 Jan
Wanna FullFill This REAL Redheads Fantasy???--- I Found My Toy In The Laundry Room!!........ - 31
(5 min North of Downtown, Austin, North)
~~~~~~~~~~~We decided to extend our Special, tonight Only ALL Night Long... 60/80/100 - 30
(Austin 35@ Airport Blvd.)
W-A-R-N-I-N-G *eXtReMelY HOT! yummy (WhiTe) blonde *VIXen* CLICK hERE (LaST DaY SPeCiaLS) DoNT MiSS! - 22
(Austin, Upscale North Austin 35/183)
Visiting (¯`'?.¸ ?¸.?'´¯) NO ONE -:¦:- DOES IT-:¦:-LIKE ME (¯`'?.¸? ¸.?'´¯) Happ - 20
(35 & 290 (60$$90$)Specials)
Visiting San Antonio or Austin? It's already getting HOT here...
(San Antonio & Austin & surrounding areas)
[ VISITING!!! ] »» [ * Gentlemen's # ❶ Choice * ] »» [ 100% REAL PICS!!] - 26
wEt TiGht sExY ExXxOtiC...cUm tEsT dRiVe tHiS BeNtLeY 100% mE AnD WeLL ReViEwEd - 21
(RouND RoCK iNCaLLs OnLy)
Well Reviewed Chelsea ~~ INCALLS ~~ 10a-3am ~ April is now a NaughtyGurl INCALLS 10am-2am - 27
(North Austin, Texas)
We have coffee and sugar ... what we need is cream ...and a little adventure ... - 4245
(north central in/outcall)
---------» DIANA wants to make your BIG ol' (B A N A N A) disapppear. (videol) - 21
(North Austin - Wells Branch)
🍬SWEEEEET as a Treat!🍬 Ready to meet!!😍😍 HOT🔥🆕NEW BLONDE💕💕 📲Last Night! - 22
(Austin, Domain/Arboretum 💎, Downtown)
- 💕 ♥ ♥ STUNNING,🍒💥 FoXy🍒🍒💥 Attractive BLONDE🍒💥 ♥◆ OUTCALL ONLY - 28
(Austin, Austin and Surrounding Areas)
(((Cum Experience Real Erotica with a True Beauty))) --->> GREAT tight Body * Nice Ass - 20
(** My Place ** Cameron Rd. **)
•__✄_👑✄_👑✄°•STOP TAKING Chances with FAKE PICS, NON-Reviewed GIRLS & bad Service__✄_👑✄👑 ✄!• - 23
(Austin, Downtown, 🎀ATX OUTCALLS ALL OVER🎀)
STOP Wondering and Wasting TIME !! Red BoMbShElL AvAiLaBlE LaTe LaTe EvEnInG & Early MoRnInGS - 28
(South Austin/Stassney Area)
°°¤** sOoOo SEXY * BlOnDe! (THE BEST) SuPeR SwEeT =((PeTiTe ThIcK BLoNDe ))= WeLL ReViEwED° - 21
(austin (i35) last day)
______ Smoking Hot Kinky Blonde 19yr old ________ Warm up With Barbie ! ! ! - 19
(290 & I-35 ( HIGHLAND MALL ))
SinFully Sweet(( Southern ))*FiReCrAcKeR* Tall,Blond and Just What you've been searching for - 24
(Austin baby!)
Smart, classy, creative, open-minded lady available for a different kind of erotic experience... - 39
(NW Austin, Texas)
Sexy, Sweet, n'Petite --the Girl Next Door You Fantasize About--*Is* ThAT* Naughty..& Ready 2 Show U - 22
SOUTH AIRPORT📒🔞 I'M VERY OPEN MINDED 🔞✅💏🔞✅💏🔞💏✅🔞 In & Outcall 🔞💏✅🔞💏✅🔞 True Puerto Rican - 23
(Arboretum, Austin, SOUTH AIRPORT/ DOWNTOWN)
SeXy LaTiNa ReAdY 2 SaTiSfY U aLL NiTe LoNg *** $60 I GoT WhAt U wAnT GuRaNtEeD - 25
(Austin, AUSTIN/35)
Sexy Seductive RedHead 36DD's up ALL NIGHT my hot Girlfriend is here 2 have 1 or 2 - 22
(Austin DownTown 35/51st)
SinFully Sweet(( Southern ))*FiReCrAcKeR* Tall,Blond and Just What you've been searching for.. - 25
(austin / central incall)
SeXi ReDhEaD Sw33t LiKe StRAwB3rRyS.HoT n3w Sp3cIaLs..(( tRU gf3))~*~ - 23
***~~~ SeXXy PlaYMaTe`` All NaTuRaL Blonde...ALL ReaL WoMaN ~~*** - 31
(Austin, north / central Austin /183 / in/outcall)
SUPER _ SEXY _ WHITE _ GIRL o°o $(((70)))$ INCALLS CALL NOW o° - - 21
(Austin Private Location)
* ===== * SaShA Keola * ~ * INCALL * ===== * * ~ * SPECIALS *=====* * ~ *=====* SEE ME NOW!!! - 18
{{ SeXxXy { * BLoNdE* } * {{ HoTTie }}*l { *CuRvY* } l* ViSiTiNg }} - 21
♛ San Antonio's Premier STACKED BRUNETTE ♛ Visiting Austin (3-03 thru 3-05) BOOK NOW! - 39
(Visiting Austin 3-03 thru 3-05 CC's OK)
* ===== * SaShA Keola * ~ * LAST DAY * ===== * * ~ * SPECIALS *=====* * ~ * JESSICA RABBIT - 18
RELAXING BODY MASSAGE______ *¨¨* W *¨¨* ______ ASIAN SILKY TOUCH in/out - - 27
(183 N/ 360 capital)
♥ reviews PLEASURE ♥ ZONE specials ♥
(HIGHLAND MALL incalls-outcalls all over)
New Pics!!! Little rules and limits!!! 60 special!!! Extra 10 off before noon!!!! - 26
(290/35 near highland mall)
NEW *In town Sexy Redhead Playmate and Hot Blonde Girlfriend have one or have two.... - 21
(North Austin 35)
LaST DaY *{* NeW *}* {{ SeXxXy { * BLoNdE* } * {{ HoTTie }}*l { *CuRvY* } l LAsT DAy *}*l - 21
(north austin(ARBORETUM) in)