Tue 18 Mar
🟦new magment🟦🔴512-801-8196🟦🔴🟦sweet smile and warm service🟦🔴🟦professional massage 🟦🔴🟦clean and tidy room🟦🔴
( 900 Round Rock,TX 78681
30minutes $50)
30minutes $50)
Mon 27 Jan
SUPER _ SEXY _ WHITE _ GIRL o°o $(((70)))$ INCALLS CALL NOW o° - - 21
(Austin Private Location)
*💋§Ø SEXXY SO §€duct¡V€ 💋·.¸.´¯*💚€xØtiC /§€N§UÂL 💚¸.·´¯*💋 BiG BØØTY F®e@k 💋·.¸¯*💚KiLLER MoUtH� - 23
(35 & 290)
Need a get away?! Two beautiful girls availble. Call us!! (si habla espanol) - 20
(Austin, Austin Area)
Sun 26 Jan
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️512-767-2722🟪❤️🟪new hot girls🟪❤️🟪🟪superb service🟪❤️🟪🟪5 star massage🟪❤️🟪🟪nice body🟪❤️🟪sexy young🟪🟪 -②
(12505 Rampart St Suite B, Aust)
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️512-767-2722🟪❤️🟪new hot girls🟪❤️🟪🟪superb service🟪❤️🟪🟪5 star massage🟪❤️🟪🟪nice body🟪❤️🟪sexy young🟪🟪 -②
(12505 Rampart St Suite B, Aust)
🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉512-767-2722☀️☀️☀️new asian girls🟪❤️🟪men’s top choice☀️☀️☀️all u like🟪❤️🟪superb service☀️☀️☀️clean room🟪❤️🟪
(12505 Rampart St Suite B, Aust)
🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉512-767-2722☀️☀️☀️new asian girls🟪❤️🟪men’s top choice☀️☀️☀️all u like🟪❤️🟪superb service☀️☀️☀️clean room🟪❤️🟪
(12505 Rampart St Suite B)
🦊🦊🦊🦊512-767-2722💋💋💋new sexy girls🟩🟩🟩young friendly💎💎💎service good🟩🟩🟩nice body💋💋💋best in town🟩🟩🟩men’s top choice🦊🦊🦊
(12505 Rampart St Suite B)
🟪❤️🟪🟪🟪❤️🟪🟪512-767-2722🟪❤️🟪new young asian girls just arrived today 🟪❤️🟪🟪must try & superb service🟪❤️🟪🟪🟪❤️🟪🟪
(12505 Rampart St Ste B, Austin)
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️512-767-2722🟪❤️🟪new hot girls🟪❤️🟪🟪superb service🟪❤️🟪🟪5 star massage🟪❤️🟪🟪nice body🟪❤️🟪sexy young🟪🟪 -②
(12505 Rampart St Suite B, Aust)
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️512-767-2722🟪❤️🟪new hot girls🟪❤️🟪🟪superb service🟪❤️🟪🟪5 star massage🟪❤️🟪🟪nice body🟪❤️🟪sexy young🟪🟪 -②
(12505 Rampart St Suite B, Aust)
🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉512-767-2722☀️☀️☀️new asian girls🟪❤️🟪men’s top choice☀️☀️☀️all u like🟪❤️🟪superb service☀️☀️☀️clean room🟪❤️🟪
(12505 Rampart St Suite B, Aust)
🦊🦊🦊🦊512-767-2722💋💋💋new sexy girls🟩🟩🟩young friendly💎💎💎service good🟩🟩🟩nice body💋💋💋best in town🟩🟩🟩men’s top choice🦊🦊🦊
(12505 Rampart St Suite B)
Tue 21 Jan
TOUCHDOWN SPECIALS ««LongHorns Love»» LEAVING @ 12am!!! - 18
(Austin, i35 & 290 INCAll/OutCall Specials)
70 _ Now__T_h_E-» P_e_R_f_E_c_T -»- C_h_O_i_C_e -» »-- 70 SpEcIaLs AvAiL - 21
SPUNKY Blonde FIRECRACKER ♢♡♢ Amazing Skills, Inviting Personality☆100% REAL PICS☆ 70 SPECIAL! - 22
(Austin, N. Austin-Mind-Numbing 70 SPECIAL!)
Sensual Sunday Satisfaction ~Natural DDD's! My Skills & Talents are Finely Tuned & Well Reviewed!! - 42
(North, Near the Domain)
*(o)(o)* L@@K----> GuYs, HeRe'S YouR CHaNcE!! *(o)(o)* $70 SPeCiaL! - 44
(Austin, North 183/Duval & Oak Knoll)
(: Out Call **SPECIALS** Where you need me^ Is where^ I will be *** Petite - Brunette Beauty*** :) - 24
(Austin, North Austin)
N@UGHTY BIG Booty BBW *~~~~~* Reviews *~~~~~* $70 Holiday Special - 40
(Austin, North Austin 183/Burnet Road)
No Text Pls Luxury massage Big Booty Mya $$60/20mins or $$70/30min INcall special $120/1hr - 23
(Austin, Day Inn- 820 East Anderson Lane,78752)
NEW!!! [[ SEXY ITALIAN ]] ♥ [[ BRUNETTE ]] ♥ [[ CURVY VIXEN ]] - 21
(Austin, N. Austin- 35290(($70 Sp.))
(New Number)Watch my video !70/80/100 SPECIALS Whatever you want!!! - 21
(Austin, Austin 290/i35 north (incall)))
Mid-day Mood $tabilizer $pecial$ ~Natural DDD's!~ *Newbie Friendly* 662-7011 - 42
(North, Near the Domain)
My Reviews Tell It Like It Is *~~~~~~* BBW Lisa *~~~~~~* $70 Holiday Stress Relief - 40
(Austin, North off 183/Burnet Road)
LeaVinG SOON!!)) °•°•*☆ ( F_L_¡_R_T_Y= __ ★__ €_B_0_N_Y_ = __ ★__ B_ €_@_U_T_Y ) - 18
(Austin, 290 & 183 (Incall Only))
Let Me Ease Some of The Holiday Stress *~~* BBW Cougar *~~* Reviews *~~* $70 Holiday Special - 40
(Austin, North Austin Incall 183/Burnet Road)
JAW DR0PPiNG ————— T0E CURLiNG ————— * (( THE BEST)) *———— EXoT!C PLaYmaTe ————— 1oO% REAL Deal - 21
•○💖○•K I N K Y C U T I E •○💖○•T I G H T & T A L E N T E D •○💖○• T H I C K & B U S T Y •○💖○ - 24
*I’m Here! DIME Piece ( sQuEEzAbLe Azz )YES70$ *TiT€ GriPz*| =GR€AT SplS ==> (smOOth LiPz) - 22
(Austin, North Austin $$$incalls/ 70 Outcalls/120)
I look better in person 60 Roses incall before 1a.m/150 roses outcall - 25
(Austin, north central austin)
I WILL GET You RoCk Hard *Ooowee* This Is Some GOOD A$$ PUSSY! Cum Make My ASS CLAP $70 SPECIALS - 20
(H.E.B Area & Tremmire)
I Have What U Need 2 Relieve Some Holiday Stress *~* BBW Cougar *~* Reviews *~* $70 Holiday Special - 40
(Austin, North Austin 183/Burnet Road)
~*~*~* I *~* W I L L *~* B*L*O*W *~* M O R E *~* T H A N *~* J U S T *~* Y O U R *~* M I N D *~*~*~ - 21
(North Austin / Incalls)
Gorgeous BLONDE Playmate ♡☆♡ Magnetic Personality /w Mouth-Watering Skills ♡ SMOKING HOT SPECIALS! - 22
(Austin, N. Austin...SMOKING HOT 70 Special!)
Yes I can SKWERT ::: 55 75/100hh Specials ::: SASHA WATERFALLS ::: 8179087633 ::: Leaving @ 10pm - 26
WOW $40/15mins.In Call Special WOW ** TOP NOTCH COUGAR ** MS.SAVANNAH (682-221-2002) - 40
(Austin, North AUSTIN// I-35 north)
WOW $50.In Call Special WOW ** TOP NOTCH COUGAR ** MS.SAVANNAH (682-221-2002) - 40
(Austin, North AUSTIN// I-35 north)
~ VoLupTuOus LaTiNa PLEASURE Thats ( (( (BEYOND) )) )Your MEASURE, Big Apple BoOoty .~.
(Dallas 35 & wallnuthill)
_____ {{ V.I.P TReATMeNT }}---- ______ *SEXY* _______ *HoTt NeWw PiX* ______ *In & OuTcAlLs 24-7* - 22
(Austin, Incalls / Outcalls $70)
~ VoLupTuOus LaTiNa PLEASURE Thats ( (( (BEYOND) )) )Your MEASURE, Big Apple BoOoty .~.
(Dallas 35 & wallnuthill)
✴️ẠVẠłŁẠBŁẸ🍹🌹 ₦Ø₩💕 BẸẠỤŦł₣ỤŁ 💋💗Ẹ¥Ẹ✨💎👑₡Ạ₦Ð¥ 💖 💙ŦØP💚 ₦ØŦ₡Ҥ💜�#1 💝🌹MØ$Ŧ🎉🍭₩Ạ₦ŦẸÐ - 24
(Austin, north austin)
UP! N READY! right now !!!✴70.. ,qk!! ✴ ..I'LL!! HAVE U MELTING LIKE BUTTER ♨ on HoTcaKes incalls - 29
»-(¯`v´¯)-» Call SPICE! ••— ♥ —•• 24/7. 50, 70 & 90 $PECIALS °°°°•★•°° - 19
(Austin, Central I-35 & 290)
Unexpected Availability Tonight NOW!! DDD's!! *Newbie Friendly* ~ 24/7~ {Call Plz} 662-7011 - 42
(North, Near the Domain)
Ultra HOT, SUPER SEXY Blonde Cutie ♡●♡ INTENSE 70 Special ♡●♡ Great Personality, A total Blast! - 22
(Austin, N. Austin-Mind-Numbing 70 SPECIAL!)
(TiGht StIcKy & Wett} RedHead FoXxX Seductive Always Ready Always Willing! - 22
(51&Cameron; Private Location)
Ultra HOT, SUPER SEXY Blonde Cutie ♡●♡ INTENSE 70 Special ♡●♡ Great Personality, A total Blast! - 22
(Austin, N. Austin... Mind-numbing 70 SPECIAL!!)
Sun 12 Jan
Holiday Stress Relief *~~~* Wild & Freaky *~~~* BBW & BIG Booty *~~~* Reviews *~~~* $70 SPECIAL! - 38
(Austin, North Austin 183/Burnet Road)
Sat 11 Jan
Holiday Stress Relief *~~~* Wild & Freaky *~~~* BBW & BIG Booty *~~~* Reviews *~~~* $70 SPECIAL - 38
(Austin, North Austin Incall 183/Burnet Road)
Thu 09 Jan
Wed 08 Jan