Sat 22 Feb
Tue 18 Feb
Thu 13 Feb
Sat 08 Feb
Head nurse, 🍆On duty sloppy wet bbj with juicy fat ass wet pussy, I can make you nut at least 4 times.. TEXT +1(839) 218-2069 , TELEGRAM owennylove
(Ask me )
Mon 27 Jan
🚫WARNING🚫Dangerous Addiction⚠️Extremely Freaky⚠️ 🚛UnLoad your STRESS🍆[CAUTION] Real👄LETHAL - 23
(Arboretum, Austin, Mopac area near the Domain!!!!)
Visiting For A Short Time Big Booty Cutie Hot And Ready To Play 50 InCall Spc!!!! - 21
(Austin, 35&183)
SPECIALS 💞 LEAVING @1PM 💛💓 Exotic Brunette Goddess💓💛 AVAILABLE NOW 💞 - 24
(Austin, Downtown, South, South Austin / IH35)
♡ SPECIALS, SPECIALS,SPECIALS!! ♡ Now Visiting 36DD, Beautiful baby doll, Amazing Assss & Legs - 25
Stayshaatx here and I am still wanting and waiting to taste you and satisfy your naughty cravings!!CL or TXT for Smashing Specials!!! - 35
(Austin, South Austin)
~**S.Q.U.R.T QUEEN! ** ~~Seductive ~ Erotic Teacher! ~~~ S.q.u.i.r.t Shows! - 26
(outcalls NOW!!/Incalls avalible Tuesday!)
SinFully Sweet(( Southern ))*FiReCrAcKeR* Tall,Blond and Just What you've been searching for - 24
(Austin baby!)
SinFully Sweet(( Southern ))*FiReCrAcKeR* Tall,Blond and Just What you've been searching for.. - 25
(austin / central incall)
SeXi ReDhEaD Sw33t LiKe StRAwB3rRyS.HoT n3w Sp3cIaLs..(( tRU gf3))~*~ - 23
♛ SALT of the EARTH SWEET BRUNETTE™Compassionate Companionship for Mature Gentlemen ♛ - 44
(Austin, My Private Residence in San Antonio)
{{ SeXxXy { * BLoNdE* } * {{ HoTTie }}*l { *CuRvY* } l* ViSiTiNg }} - 21
NEW NEW!!!! 150 OUTCALL SPECIAL! Freaky Blonde Hottie Eager and Ready! call Me NOW!! - 20
(Austin, North west and surrounding, cedar park)
* NEW DELICIOUS* Sexy_SKINNY _Blonde ♥ Model Type ♥ AVAILABLE NOW ! ! 210!403!2808 - 22
(Austin, Outcalls Austin)
_____ N E W ______B L U E E Y E D ******Blonde Playmate ((( V I S I T IN G )) real pixs xox - 25
NEW Double D's* Erotic BUSTY Island Playmate -Ready 2 Have Fun NEW IN TOWN - 23
(Austin, Austin Nw/Arboretum, reviews on e c c.Ie)
°° ★ °°NEW & SeXxXy TAnTaLiZiNg BrUnEtTe PRoViDiNg InCaLLS ONLY°° ★ °°AvALiAbLe NoW
(Cental Austin-290-incalls-24/7)
Married Mans Best Kept Secret! - 31
(Arboretum, Austin, In Metric Braker..Outcalls ATX surr area, North)
______ HOT ITALIAN ______ 36 DD _____ ______ VISITING ______ JUST A FEW DAYS LEFT _______ - 19
Sun 26 Jan
Tue 21 Jan
THURSDAY MADNESS $80 QK $120 HH The real deal ! What you SEE is what you GET ! w/Megan - 21
(Austin, mopac/183)
-:¦:- ♥-:¦:- THE HOLiDAYS JUST ARENT THE SAME WiTHOUT MY 100 BUCK TOUCH = -:¦:- ♥-:¦:- - 21
________ _______ *TROPICAL ISLAND HORNY NYMPHO / I Love to RIDE $80 * WELCOME ROT RALLY!!! _______
(Riverside Dr. INCALL & OUTCALLS)
T_H_I_C_K__ (( BUSTY )) _ aMaZiNg CuRvEs_ (( eXoTic & SexXxY )) _ P_L_A_Y_M_A_T_E - 21
(Central Austin Private Location)
~~Sizziling Saturday Special~~ DONT MISS OUT Head Dr. In Charge - 24
(290,incall/outcall all surroundin area's)
!*★* TaStY*♡* EyE CaNdY*★ SiMpLy ThE BesT *★ ExOtiC+CuTiE* 100% Real Pic - 23
(Parmer & I-35/Private Incall)
-:¦:- ♥-:¦:- °STOP MOVING YOUR MOUSE...I'M YOUR GIRL PROVIDING BEST GFE° -:¦:- ♥-:¦:- - 22
(N. Austin (In's & Out's))
Sw33t LiKe SoOo TaSteFUL..cUm EnJoI mY cOmPaNy while im still ava. (( tRU gF3))~*~ - 23
SpLaSH QuEeN*** MoTh PiECe MaSTer ***$$RedHead## TONIGHT ONLY !!!!!!!!!!!! 8325068691 - 28
(Austin, outcalls all surrounding area)
★★★SPECIALS☆☆☆ Sneak Away Come Play Fetish Friendly♡♡♡ JUICY BOOTY OUTCALL♥♥♥ Available NOW - 29
:::::sToP bY f0r A BoDy iS oN tHe MeNu....CoMe DevouR Me::::: ViSiTiNG NoW!! - 24
(North Austin (In's & Out's))
SinFully Sweet(( Southern ))*FiReCrAcKeR* Tall,Blond and Just What you've been searching for - 24
(austin / central incall)
~~Valentines Day Vixen~~ Hot Sultry Seductress~~ Available 24/7 - 24
(290,incall/outcall all surroundin area's)
❣● SexY ♡ [[ PuRe 80-80-80-$$$ FuN]] [•Bεyond Comparε•] Gorgeous PRiNCESS ♡ [AvAiLAblE NoW] - 22
(Austin, loop one north)
* SeXy *____* SeDuCtiVe *____* SwEEt *____ * BoDaCioUs EbONy *___ViSiTiNg! - 22
(North Austin (In's & Out's))
**(( Sexy Blonde Italian ))** **(( Visiting ))** **(( 36 DD ))** **(( GFE))** - 18
Sexxiii latina wants to cater to you...Yes YOU!! 100% real and Independent - 19
(Austin, Austin and surrounding areas)
♡♡♡☆☆☆☆☆sexxxy beautiful bbw latina ♡♡♡♡♡☆☆☆☆☆ in/OUT calls AVAILABLE NOW☆☆☆☆☆☆ HABLA ESPANOL - 23