Tue 21 Jan
×°x°× HOT GiRL × °x°× 1OO% REAL ×°x°× outCaLL × °x°×mas SPECiALs!!! ×°x° - - 24
(Austin, WELLS BRANCH -)
Petite SPINNER -- SPECIAL PRICE for Your Pleasure {{- GFE-}} !!!!SPECIAL PRICE !!!!! - 23
(Austin (In/Out Call))
💋 Young Beautiful, & Clean; Don't Miss Out👑 100%REAL!!💕HighClass Gents oNLY - 19
(Austin, North Austin 183/35 (in-outcall))
🍎🍎🍎🍎🍀🍀🍀 YOUNG 🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎 INCALL / OUTCALL💕💕💕 NEW SEXY ASIAN GIRLS 🍀🍀🍀🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍀🍀🍀 ☎☎737-202-7060 🍀🍀🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍀🍀 - 21
(Austin, N LAMAR ,AUSTIN / 35 / 183, North)
🌴🌟___WELCOME to PARADISE___ 🌟🌴___SEDUCTIVE TROPICAL PRINCESS___🌟🌴___100% Juicy and Sweet__ - - 26
(Austin, Downtown, Outcall😘😘😘😘, San Marcos)
Who Wears SHORT,, SHORTS? This Pretty MIXED GIRL - 27
(100-Riverside Dr & Wickersham OR OUTCALL)
✴✴✴WORLD-CLASS ✳ Limited Edition Doll ✳ [[ 🍭freshface sweet &slim; waist 💋 RUSSIAN TREAT🍰 ]] ✴✴✴ - 21
(Austin, INCALL & OUTCALL special N O W)
( • )( • ) Yes I Am.. Yes I Can.. AND Yes I Will.. MissMolly 24/7 ( • )( • ) - 43
(Austin, private incall or outcall)
WHaTeVeR iT °rEQuIReS ° I'Ll DEliVeR °° yOUr DeSIrEs___ Austin Incall & Outcall busty - 21
(downtown north SOUTH I-35 pflgv I-183)
❎❎❤❎❎【 WHY I'M NO.1? 】▬❎❎❤❎❎▬【 1000% YOUNG&HOT;❤CuRvEy BODY 】▬❎❎❤❎❎▬【 If You Call, You WIN!! 】❎❎❤❎❎ - 23
(Arboretum, Austin, 💖183/Mopac In & Out 24/7💗💕💕)
Wild Frisky Brunette Spinner wit Late Nite Specials . 5124177826 ... Fetishes $ :-) 80 $ 60 - 24
(I- 35 N. Austin 183 290 51st central)
Would you like a special massage for a rough week? - 22
(Austin, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, San Marcos, Waco, OutCall)
×°x°× HURRY ×°x°× OUTCALL ×°x°× SPECIALS ×°x°× ThE BEST BlOnDe ×° - 20
You can have a Blonde Or a RedHead Your choice Or a Swirl Sexxxy Lexi Is here! - 19
(North austin close to 183 and 35)
☆~Watch me Come, Watch me Play , Watch me Do Whatever You Say☆♡AMAZING BODY\100% Real Pics/Outcall - 33
(Austin, Austin DowntownSouth)
☆ Y O U R __ F R E A K Y __ O B S E S S I O N ☆ - 20
(Austin, Out Calls)
⏩ 🆕 WANT SOME CHOCOLATE 🍫🍫 Come ENJOY my CREAM filled center. Huge 34🍈🍈 luscious 💋 FREAKY FUN✔️ - 20
(Arboretum, Austin, Mopac Incall/ outcall)
Well Reviewed Chelsea ~~ INCALLS ~~ 10a-3am ~ April is now a NaughtyGurl INCALLS 10am-2am - 27
(North Austin, Texas)
~ *•♛•* *:•.♥ ;•:*¨¨*:• : WiiLL LeAVe YOU SPeeCHLeSS •:*¨¨*:•.♥•:*¨ *•♛•* ~ - 22
°★°~ WoW LoOk $ 60 OuTcAlL BiRtHdAy sPeCiAl ~ °★° new pics! - 29
(Austin, 9:30am to 5pm, 7pm to 12am)
×°x°× CLiCK HERE ×°x°× IF YoU ×°x°× REQUiRE ×°x°× THE BEST ×°x°× - 25
($ 1 2 O OUTCALL $ 1 2 O HOUR!!)
Woman who LOVE Entertaining Professional Gentlemen, Mia n Jada... here till Thursday - 30
(Mopac n 183)
Wanna party tonight? In and outcall and if you dont like it thick dont call - 30
(Austin, South, South austin incall outcall)
Weekend SPECIALS❣ DOUBLE Ds 🍈🍈 JUICY Booty 🍑 SLIM Waist ⏳ Mature BLONDE Curvy Cutie 🌸 - 23
(Austin, North, Outcalls)
🌸🌸🍭🍭🍒 WH3N I'M G00D, I'M V3RY G00D, BUT WH3N I'M B@d, I'M B3TT3R!!🍒🍒🌸🌸🌸🌸 - 26
(Austin, North Austin, South)
█▓█▓█▓█ ★ §w33t å§ HONEY █▓█▓█▓█ ★ ADDICTIVE ★ █▓█▓█▓█ ★SEDUCTIVE ★ █▓█▓█▓█ - 23
(Austin, in & outcall only HOTTIE :))
______ xXx __ ((((PUERTO RICAN Nympho)))) ____xXx ________ Exotic mix Treat $80 NEW CLIENTS!!!
(=Riverside Drive INCALL & HOTEL OUT)
Voluptuous Biracial Beauty with all natural size 40H Boobs! Your every is my command! Avaiable24/7!! - 28
(Austin, north Austin incall/ outcall)
WaRNiNG...( N @ U g H T Y GiRLs ALeRT) - SeXXieSt intown ((OUtCALL SPeCIAl!)) - 18
(AUSTIN..outcall specials)
wild bohemian free-wheeling bad girl who loves romance and raunch --- March tour --- Austin ------- - 26
(downtown Austin)
Wednesday# special* Busty Blonde BABE. wild-sexy-ready 6O/8O# - 26
(Austin, central Austin, North of campus In/out)
Wild Frisky Brunette wit Late Nite Specials . 5124177826 ... Fetishes $ :-) - 24
(I- 35 N. Austin 183 290 51st central)
💎💋West Coast Babe!!💎🎀100% REAL PICS✨Brunette B€AμT¥✨╠╣ot!🔥♥§exY!!💎💋 Friendly & Discreet!💋💎 - 21
(Austin, Austin, TX - ️OUTCALL /INCALL)
▒▒ ████████████ ▒▒ VOTED AUSTIN’S #1 AGENCY - 8 LADIES AVAILABLE TONIGHT ▒▒ ████████████ ▒▒ - 21
(Austin, Austin and surrounding areas)
We are Austin's Finest G F E 's -- Young, Sinfully Sweet, Ready to please you today! Starting @ 140 - 19
(Austin, Texas)
.*¨¨* ×X× *¨¨* DELICIOUS *¨¨* ×X× *¨¨* BURNETTE *¨¨* ×X× *¨¨* BARBIE *¨¨* ×X× - 20
(InCall ~N~ OutCall)
×°x°× V®Y F®AKy GiRL ×°x°× - 20
wanna REAL Pinay girl?? Ur very own Petite, Mxd Filipina Playmate -Seeking Poss LTR's- Avail. Now-?? - 24
(austin Incall/outcall)
***Watch Mz. MONA AND MZ HARDBODY get DRIPPEN WET***Outcall Specials TODAY - 23
~ *•♛•* *:•.♥ ;•:*¨¨*:• : WiiLL LeAVe YOU SPeeCHLeSS •:*¨¨*:•.♥•:*¨ *•♛•* ~ - 22
WoW!! New to Town!!♥ • UpScaLe PeTiTe BuSTy LaTiNa HoTTie ★★... Escape Into Me - 20
(Austin, Outcall only 100%Me!!)
WOW!! *** ToTALLy HOT!! PeTiTE & SuPeR SEXy MiLFBoMBSheLL.. ESCape INto Me:)!!!*** - 30
(Austin, Arboretum Incall/Outcall 100%Me orFREE!!)
((ViSiTiNg!)) ((PeTiTe & SwEEt!!)) ((I LiKe 2 PlaY!!)) ((It'S PLaYtiME!!)) ((InCaLL OuTcALL!!)) - 33
(** Austin Central North/Outcalls 24/7**)
((WaNt 2 PLaY?)) ((I DO!)) ((iTs TiMe)) ((PLaYtiMe!)) ((INCALL ~~ OuTcALL!!)) (( ID: 155609)) - 33
(**Austin **)
Weekend Special 100🎀832-944-9636 🎀Verified 💯%Real Pics - 34
(KILLEEN Incall/ Outcall everywhere, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood)