Tue 21 Jan
Weekend Fling w/Ur Sexy Girl Next Door! I'm Sooo Ready 2 Relieve ur Tension n Stress ♥ - 32
(Austin, Austin In/Outcalls)
☆♡WEDNESDAY♡..☆TEMPLE☆Out Call! Lonely? Text me,!-☆☆Thick, Sexy, Juicy, BBW♢TEMPLE♢, AvailNOW! - 34
(*TEMPLE*, Austin, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood)
^~• UR PARADISE •~^~ NEW ~^~ ╠╣E•♥•ARTy ~^~TEXAN ~^~╠╣OTTIE^ ~•♥•~^~ №➊ PETiTE EXOTIC MixX- ßÅRßiE - 21
(Austin, upscale hotel/your residence)
♥ ___ ("* VISiTiNG! __♥__ *1OO SPECiALs 1OO * __♥__ * ViSiTiNG* !) ___ ♥ - 26
(Austin, /// DOMAIN - ♥ - Incall Only ///)
(Visiting) ¥×¥¥× Jazzy Jones ¥×¥¥× is Visiting Austin... TODAY !!!!! Young and Thick - 23
(gone and will never return)
Unexpected Availability, NOW!! Will be Up & Ready to Play until the Sun Rises!! - 42
(north central)
Ur BREAST kept secret......... Come and worship my natural 34FFF tits......... - 30
(Austin, Domain)
♥ ___ ("* VISiTiNG! __♥__ *1OO SPECiALs 1OO * __♥__ * ViSiTiNG* !) ___ ♥ - 26
(Austin, D o m a i n - ♥ - INCALL ONLY)
Ur Very Own Pacific Island Treat ♥ Avail Now! Its PERFECT weather to get INTIMATE - 32
(Austin, Austin In/Outcalls)
Pick ONE or TWO GIRLS, then SWIRL! DianaANDKissy. Best of BOTH Worlds. - 21
Sat 11 Jan
{{LOOK}} New Pics Same Young Curvy Beauty Pravite InCall Sweet Seductive Sunday w/Cherrys on Top! - 22
(Central Austin Pravite InCall)
Fri 10 Jan
***** SEXY ***** PETITE ***** YOUNG **** AND ALL URS ****** - 20
(north austin and surrounding areas)
******* Sexy Cougar Ready To Pounce ******** 36DDD Breasts ********** - 32
(Austin, North Arboretum)
Wed 08 Jan
Tue 07 Jan
Sexy Charinya & Naughty Natalie - Partying late;) intimate encounters w/select gents.$150 SPECIAL - 26
(Austin and surrounding areas)
STOP BEING FOOLED by escorts who use fake pics ; if you want THE REAL DEAL; CALL ME $80/hr - 22
(Austin, VERY safe , clean area of AUSTIN $80/hr)
*¨¨* PL£AS£D *2* PL£AS£ U !*¨¨* ;¨**: {100 }:* ¨*:{ FLAT }:¨*: { RATES } :*¨*:* - 21
(♥Call for Incall Location♥)
Wanna meet ME and MY *REAL* GIRLFRIEND? Click Here. ~AVAIL NOW~ 2wogether.. - 21
MANDI ★ Juicy BooTy ★100% real Pix ★InSAnE CuRvEs & AmAziNG SkiLLz - 23
(Austin, I-35 N. private incall)
Mon 06 Jan
SUPER **HOTTIE **LANDON Cute , VERY petite, with a AWESOWE touch of class . CALL - 23 - 23
(North austin)
oOo ... * Austin's HOTTEST Duo ... 1 or 2 Girl Show ... SPECIALS * ... OoO - 2224
☆♡MONDAY ♡..☆TEMPLE☆Out Call! Lonely? Text me,!-☆☆Thick, Sexy, Juicy, BBW♢TEMPLE♢, AvailNOW! - 34
(*TEMPLE*, Austin, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood)
Just Like BURGER KING come HAVE IT YOUR WAY $80/hr INcalls No rules and UNrushed - 22
(Austin, AUSTIN TX ALL OVER !!!)
**@Hot discreet & very addictive@** ♥ IN CALL 100% REAL PICS! UP all NIGHT... - 22
(Austin, South Austin)
*GLIDE INSiDE diana . - Come see her MAGIC TRICK.. she's gonna SWALLOW your STICK. - 21
(620 West/Anderson Mill - TRAVIS COUNTY)
Sweet dreams are made of this...═ ❌Click for a G👀d time ! ═❌══❌ ═ SelectiveIN *oR* Out ══❌═ - 99
(Austin, Downtown, ═ ═ All Atx● IN ═ OUTcalls ═ UpLate ═)
((((PiT sT0P))))***BuSy N33D @ Br3aK.. iM uR gIrL,,.tHiS s3xY l@aTiN@ Is W@iTiN FoR u B@bY - 22
LINDA (202) 486-0557 ~~~~ VERY SAFE UPSCALE INcall location & im a VERY SEXXY LADY $99/hr - 22
(Austin, AUSTIN TX)
Sun 05 Jan
~Sexy BBW Kitty Kat Ready To Play~Saturday Incalls/ Outcalls ALL DAY - 28
(Saturday Incalls all day)
ONE GIRL???**** OR 2 GIRLS???*** PICK ONE... CALL US NOW***** - 20