Tue 21 Jan
💘 INCALL SPECIALS 💘 SCARLETT 💨 Smoking Hot 💨 MILF 💖 First ✈ Class ✈ Flight ✈ To ✈ ρℓ℮αδυRε - 40
➽Im Back ➽ ☏ UpscalE GorGeouS Dominican German ღ mix BeAuTy■ ~* Amazing lips ;) ✈✈ - 22
(Waco, south waco)
♥ ♥ I Put The "F" In .............. FUN !!! MissMolly 24/7 ♥ ♥ - 42
(Austin, N.Central Specials 24/7)
IF U LIKE THE petite type " Click Here ". InKall SpeciaL Rates - 21
IN TOWN for 2 DAYS ONLY !! I am burstint With CREAM filled Treats ready to get my SP Fling STARTED! - 26
(In your Lap)
♥ I Can Make YOU WEAK in the KNEES ♥ I'M aLwAyS vErY Eager to PLEASE♥ - 21
(North AuStIn/SuRrOuNdIng AreAS)
In The Mood... $~ Robyn's Got A "Hang OUT w/ A HOT GIRL SpeciAL$~$ 300=2 hrs i/c !.!.! - 28
(Austin, South Austin)
I can prove im a pro! Come check out my specials today, im a true Angel...with crazy talent! - 23
(Austin, Austin tx)
{if} {it} {L00kS} {thiS} {G00d} {JUST} {iMAGiNE} .. {OUTCALL} {SPECiALS} AVAiLABLE NOW!! - 21
(::290&i35;::: iNCALL/OUTCALL:))
I'm Back Boys!!! Sooo SOFT, Sooo THICK, Sooo MOIST & Sooo READY!!! - 26
(Austin, IH 35/183, N.Austin, Outcall)
I take it in EVERY PLACE !!! Im TIGHT , who can loosen me up ? $60 PASSION 504.432.5409 - 22
(Austin, 183 NORTH @ lake creek pkwy)
I WANT TO PAMPER YOU! Looking for that diamond in the rough? INCALL SPECIALS! Sexy! - 27
(North Austin)
★Im Th ( xOTiC ~ CuT! ) U WiSh £iVd NXt DooR ★iTs PlA¥TiM:)... [HoT & K[!]NKy!] - 20
I love to do it all. Catch me while you can. Leaving soon... $80 Special - 22
(Austin, new in town north austin)
💖💛💖I'm Here 💖💛💖 Sexy EXOTIC LEBANESE ✨✨ always ready 🎀🎀 Call Me Available 24/7 👑👑 - 21
(Austin, South Austin)
========== =========== IM ((NOT)) THE GIRL NEXT DOOR ==== Im The FREAK UP The Street == 100special - 28
(Austin, South EAST Austin RIVERSIDE DR.)
hurry hurry,,, Connie Sweetz last night here! come get it while its hot!
(190 (Trimmer RD) last night here!)
I___ D__O ___ *V___I___P_* ___G__F__E __*__ *__O__N__ E_____ R__A__T__ E__**__N__ O____G__ A__M__E_S - 24
hurry! * great *SPECIALS * busty, nice BODY & perfect BOOTY! FUN SIZE! - 25
(Austin, 290 southwest going twards oakhill)
I _______ mAY _______ lOOK _______ iNNOCENT _______ bUT_______ iM_______ vERY ________ nAUGHTY !! - 21
I have magic hands and I am beautiful inside and out! Let me send you to the moon! - 23
💲💯 idont💲T💥🅿tilu 🅿💥🅿👉🙈G🇷🇪🇪N👓🇪¥🇪§🙈👈 ❕❗❕⛎iG⛎⚡♈🅾LT🅰GE❕❗❕ 💋◼K🇮LL🇪🇷🔫🅱💞D¥◼💋 - 25
(Austin, OC ·Austin,San Marcos,NewBraunfels, buda)
I"ll be your breast kept secret.......... Come and worship my natural 34FFF tits......... - 30
(Austin, Domain)
I dO eVeRythiNg yOur wIfE Or GiRlFriEnD dOeSnT dO!!!!! $1OO InCaLL SpeCiaL
(Highland Mall // 290 // INCALLS ONLY)
Houston verified princess 💟 sweedish massage it's been fun ready to get home🎉incall now - 27
(Austin, Central Austin, austin and surrounding)
Hurry Hurry Leaving Town At Noon Big Booty Vixen Ready To Play Specials Starting At 50 Rose - 21
(Austin, 35&183)
♡Hot♡Action♡ with ☆Mayla☆ designed for Guaranteed♡SATISFACTION♡ - 26
(Arboretum, Austin, Upscale Arboretum area Incall location)
HighlY ReVieWeD // Here For a Short Time // I AM a GoRgEoUs BLoNdE that WILL SaTiSfY YOU! - 21
(Austin, Austin Area INCALL and OUTCALL)
Hey boys, you know you missed these TRIPLE DDD's! This blond beauty is back ! call me, lets play. - 30
❌⭕❌⭕❌⭕❌⭕HOT 🎀🐰🎀 ♛ ♥CUTE♥ ▃▃ ♥ASIAN MIX♥ ▃▃ ♥ 60/15min SPECIAL ♥ ▃▃ ♥ SWEET ♥ ▃▃ ♥ ♛❌⭕❌⭕❌⭕❌⭕ 🎀🐰🎀 - 19
(183 & mopac area 🎀 Last day here, Austin, North)
"HOT Cougar" in town "Let's Heat up the weekend!"150 specials daily! 231-360-1104 - 43
(north austin,mid city,South Austin)
HOT Rosalia in town TODAY^^^SPECIAL PRICE TONIGHT+++Austin's Best Reviewed Real Pics! - 22
(Austin, Downtown)
HOT! ( ( 24Hr ) ) * GOREGOUS* SEXY MIXED Chic * 100% KNOCKOUT! - 28
HiGhLy-ReViEwEd AnD FaVoReD **BriTtAnY** $$SpEciAL$SpEciAL$$ - 25
(Austin, bastrop/smithville/surrounding areas)
HiGhLy-ReViEwEd AnD FaVoReD InDePeNdAnT **BriTtAnY** Is BaCk In ToWn ToNiTe! - 25
(Austin, 290 & 35)
______ xXx ___((((POUND This PUERTO RICAN)))) ____xXx ________ Exotic Mixed Treat $60 on Up
(=Riverside Drive INCALL & HOTEL OUT)
°^° H ° O ° T °^° BBW Latina ready to make your mouth drop ! COME OVER AND TRY THIS H*O*T STUFF - 31
(Austin, Austin TX)
(GREAT SPECIALS) *(*2/ for/1) (*2/ SEXY*) no 1 dose it better) (ALL OVER YOU!* (at the same time! - 25
(Austin, 35 north)
✨ 😘⇊♡ HεR👇 HεR👆Or HεR👈 ⇈ ⓙⓤⓢⓣ🇨🅰🇳🇹👎🇨💋MPAR🇪↻₩iT ⇥♚ME♚👯 Habla Ahora❣ - 22
(_Incalls. _Residences _UpscaleHotels_, Austin, North)
🎃👻😈👽 HALLOWEEN SPECIALS!!!!! IM READY TO TRICK O' TREAT...where r my candy men?! 👽😈💝👻🎃 - 22
(Austin, Incall or outcalls, South)
✨ 😘⇊♡ HεR👇 HεR👆Or HεR👈 ⇈ ⓙⓤⓢⓣ🇨🅰🇳🇹👎🇨💋MPAR🇪↻₩iT ⇥♚ME♚👯 Habla Ahora❣ - 22
(Arboretum, Austin, IղςɑӀӀՏ & Out, 183(Research Blvd))
.¸¸´¯☆ .¸¸.´ GORGEOUS BRUNETTE¸¸.´¯ ☆ REAL PICS .¸¸´¯☆ .¸¸.´ SPECIALS - 23
(I-35/ 183 N. Austin)
GENTLEMEN..It's time to GET your week RIGHT!! It's WENDSDAY so take the bull by the horn! - 22
(Central-290-35-Highland Mall)
💋GODDESS GABBY.... some BLONDES are just BUILT TO PLEASE... call now......💓 - 27
(Austin, North Austin)
H I G H LY TA L E N TED ♥ H OT & R -E -A -D -Y - 23
(Austin, NORTH AUSTIN/Private Incall)
(¯ ` ✰ ´¯) _G_E_n_T_ L_e _ M_e_N_s_ *# ❶ _ C__h__O__i__ C__ e_ (¯`✰´¯) - 19
(Austin, central austin 290 / 35)
(G_o_R_g_ E_o_U_s ) °°•★•°° (_S_e_X_y_) °°•★•°° (_B_ e_A _u_T_i _F_u _L) - 23
(Austin, I35 and surrounding areas IN/OUT)
___LUNCH SPECIALS $60 on Up ❀ Ms.Pretty Pussy ❀ TIL 3PM ____ _____ __ ______________
(($80 Quicky) Riverside Dr. & OUTCALLS)
You can have a Blonde Or a RedHead Your choice Or a Swirl Sexxxy Lexi Is here! - 19
(North austin close to 183 and 35)