Tue 21 Jan
¢UM Be my Valentine ...Im back and Im feeling N@(u)g(h)t¥... In/out specials..BBW - 30
(Austin, In/out)
Sat 11 Jan
{{LOOK}} New Pics Same Young Curvy Beauty Pravite InCall Sweet Seductive Sunday w/Cherrys on Top! - 22
(Central Austin Pravite InCall)
🔥 hot ! Milf.. Waitin 4 u ✨CLICK HERE--- 💦💦w e t, tight, juicy, thick✅real pics /NO BS - 29
Tue 07 Jan
Rainy Day specials :60/80/120$ 🍒petite 🍒sexy🍒brunette 🍒latina 👠 👠si habla - 30
(Austin, IH35 north &183)
*o0o0o* SeXi NeW r3d HeAd ((95roses)) with the HoTtEsT & WeTeSt SpEcIaLs ((95roses)) *o0o0o* - 23
(Austin, ~Arboretum~Private~Incall~)
Mon 06 Jan
MZ ANGEL...... came play with me 50 this morning start your day right. 214-414-5446. - 25
(your place or mine)
Lunch Specials (.Y.) sexy, brunette, latina... come get a taste...Now Available..60$ 80$ 150$... - 27
(Austin, 35 & 290)
SXSW¤ §pecial§¤ Im all alone and Im feeling so N@ught¥. ..BBW... IN/OUT...SXSW ..§pecial§ - 30
(Austin, In/out)
Pick from 4 hotties! Perfect 10 Escorts is HIRING & Has beautiful woman ready for you! - 20
(Austin, Texas)
!! SPECIALS !! super !! THICK !! exotic !! BUSTY !! vanilla !! VIXEN !! new pics !! - 22
(Austin, North Austin, RR)
Sun 05 Jan
♔ * GoRgeOuS ** ** HoLiDay SpeCiaLs ** PlaYmaTe * Last Day Left In Town!! ♔ - 23
Satisfaction guaranteed💯 every man's dream come true💋 amazing skills and beautiful 👅💖 - 33
(Arboretum, Austin, North)
New location .Same great service. (.Y.) sexy, brunette, latina. come get a taste..CALL NOW 60/80/ - 27
(Austin, 35 north & 183)
GORGEOUS ☆ ** EBONY ☆*°* CHINA ☆ ** DOLL ☆** 60 $$ SPECIALS - 19 - 19
(190 & Ft. Hood(( 469-693-0274)))
Sat 04 Jan
**(( Sexy Blonde Italian ))** **(( Visiting ))** **(( 36 DD ))** **(( CuRvY &SmOkiN; HoT))** - 19
Its never too late..... Call now to request your appointment for now or for later!! UPLATE/EARLY - 22
(Austin, North Austin Mopac)
NEW NEW NEW!!! Young Hottie Fresh On The Market ready to have some fun!!!! Cash or Credit Card!! - 22
(Austin, Braker and metric)
Fri 03 Jan
-:¦:-NEW SEXY -:¦:- THICK -:¦:- PLAY MATE -:¦:- 100% Real Pics -:¦:- - 22
(north parmer/incall)
N ▒ A ▒ U ▒ G ▒ H ▒ T ▒ Y ▒ LiFeGuArD On DuTy... Need Sum - 19
(resuscitation?? Certified TO PLEASE!)
Kinks & Fetishes welcome. February romantic package special. Reviewed In/outcall - 32
(Austin 35/290/183 area)
*T H I C K * & S E x X xY (()) LATINA (120/FULL HOUR (sPeCiAl) PuRe pLeAsUrE *((XxX))C*U*M/ NoW - 21
(Airport Area / Ben White &35)
Tonights Specials .60/80/120$ petite, Latina Available Now..let me keep it warm ..si habla - 30
(Austin, 35&183)
Thu 02 Jan