Tue 21 Jan
Nuru__ Japanese Massage ____best in quality & service >- AVAILABLE NOW SPECIAL$ - 80
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, KILLEEN)
LaST DaY *{* NeW *}* {{ SeXxXy { * BLoNdE* } * {{ HoTTie }}*l { *CuRvY* } l LAsT DAy *}*l - 21
(north austin(ARBORETUM) in)
NEW NEW Im The Ultimate PlayGround For The UpScale Mature GentleMen... Avaliable For INCALLS NOW!! - 21
(Airport blvd-290-Central Austin Incalls)
MZ ANGEL... after a long day ..come relax with a pornstar....50, 70, 100.. this is real ..no games - 25
(your place or mine)
♥ Morning Noon OR Night MissMolly Is A Tasty Bite!! ♥ - 41
(Austin, north central private incall)
N3W PH0T0S! L00K HeRe! iiTs as G00D as iiT L00KS! call me ab0ut my speciials! - 21
Natural ♡ Irish ♡ Red ♡ Head ♡ Ready ♡ To ♡ Start ♡ Your ♡ Week ♡ Off ♡ With ♡ a ☆☆BANG☆☆ - 30
(Austin, South til Noon North From noon on)
Mature ********** Curvy and Thick Blonde ************ Specials all day *********** - 23
(in or out* north austin incall)
♥ Mild to Wild in 2.3 Sec. Late Night Fun with MissMolly 24/7 ♥ - 42
(Austin, N.Central Specials 24/7)
Moving special. Feel the erotic sensation. Skilled in the art of Sensual stimulation. well reviewed - 32
(I-35 between 290/183 by Highland Mall)
__M __y__ *__P __a__ n__t __i__e__s __* W__a __n__n __a __*__ C __o__ m__ e__ *__ - 24
(Come Horney ... Leave Happy)
L€T Me •¤ FiNiSH WHAT ¤• Y0UR €Y€S •¤ START€D *•-:¦:-•* - I KNOW ★*•-: JUST ★*•-: WHAT ★*•-: YOU - - - 21
(Waco, off i 35)
★LEXxy █ ★█ ___█ █ █ ♡♥BLONDE ★ LOVERS ❶st CHOICE ♥♡♥█ ★█ ___█ █ - - 23
(Austin, my place or your PLACE)
•••►- LeT ME -★- BE YouR -★ ( SeXY _ LittLe _ ASiAN __MiX _ SeCrET !__ ) 100% REAL PiCS! - 19
(Austin, My Place or Your Place /with in 50 miles)
💋❤███ LAST DAY HERE💋❤ 💋REDHEAD 💋❤💋██████████ LAST DAY HERE 💋❤💋 (CATCH ME IF U CAN !!!!!! )💋❤💋 - 30
** KISSY BANGZ out a FULL BODY STRIP Search... So Come Get Naked & SPREAD 'EM! - 21
(620 West/Anderson Mill - TRAVIS COUNTY)
***L ✪ ✪ K***AM/PM Asian Blonde AM/PM Out-InCalls AM/PM Asian Blonde AM/PM - 25
(Austin, Buda;Pflugervile;Round Rock;George town)
♥ ♥ Late Night Fun W/O BullSh*t!! MissMolly 24/7 ♥ ♥ - 41
(Austin, north central private incall)
*JuSt ARRiVEd! * °♥° { nEw blOnde coLlege cuTie } °♥° OnE _iN _A_ MiLLiOn - 20
(Austin, Austin/Surrounding Areas (in&out;))
IT'S ALMOST DONE RAINING!!! aNd I'M aLL w3tT.... 120/FULL HOUR ((aVaIlABLe nOw)) c*u*m---NoW!!! - 21
(Airport Area / Ben White &35)
Italian porn star____ 48" @ss just for your pleasure-Well reviewed- just visiting - 22
(Austin incall&out; call)
Indulge in a *4REAL College Babe* ALL weekend:) Yng, Super HoT &Horny; Red Head- Avail Now/North - 22
---------» DIANA ITS the B A N A N A G I R L (vid incl) - 21
(North Austin - Wells Branch)
iT'S GeTTing LaTe PaPi -- CoMe aNd GeT YoUr OiL ChaNgED aNd ReLeaSe SoMe StReSS !! 210-310-8711 - 23
(183 / 35N)
iNCALL ♥ :::: $100hh SPECIALS :::: GorGeoUs :::: BrUnEtTe :::: GoDDeSS:::: ♥ iNCALL
(North/Central Austin Area)
I'll seduce you, kiss all your stress away + leave you feeling amazing all day! well reviewed. - 33
(I-35 between 290/183)
Indulge in a *4REAL College Babe* ALL weekend:) Yng, Super HoT &Horny; Red Head -$180 Roses - 22
IM BACK!!!! FOR ONE NIGHT. Memori @ 512-662-4322 **cLASSY n sWEET** Super Soaker ** - 21
(*** Upscale Incall ***)
• ♥ • I Put The "F" In ..... FUN !!! ** Outcalls Available ** MissMolly 24/7 • ♥ • - 42
(Austin, N.Central Specials 24/7)
HOW TO::: "MaKe A Man Satisfied?" ((* YouR DReaM GiRL NexT DooR with GReaT BooBs *)) - 19
(ARBORETUM (in & out))
i CaN ** S U C K ** a GoLf BaLL ThRu A GarDeN HosE !! __ iT's mY SpECiALty DaddY !! - 23
(183 & 35N)
~*~*~* I *~* W I L L *~* B*L*O*W *~* M O R E *~* T H A N *~* J U S T *~* Y O U R *~* M I N D *~*~*~ - 21
(North Austin / Incalls)
(¯`'+ ** I __ AM ** + '´¯)(¯`'+ ABSOLUTELY + '´¯)(¯`.¸+ INCREDIBLE+ '´¯) * *C@LL __ RIGHT __ NOW - 32
(Austin, surrounding area)
{ I'M BaCk { * BLoNdE } * { HoTTie }*l{ *CuRvY* }l* PeRFecT N EVeRy WAy }} GiRL NeXT DooR }!! - 21
(Arboretum (nw austin) incalls only)
Happy Hour. Feel the erotic sensation. Skilled in the art of Sensual stimulation. well reviewed - 32
(I-35 between 290/183 by Highland Mall)
i'M AvAiLaBLe DaddY __ AnD i KeeP iT NiCe AnD * W E T * JuSt FoR YoU !! __ 210-310-8711 - incaLL - 23
(183 &35N)
"NeW IN ToWn" ::: "100% SaTisFacTioN GuaRenTeeD" ((* YouR FreaKy DReaM GiRL NexT DooR *)) - 19
(183 & Capitol Of Tx Hgwy (in & out))
❤💕💋Heaven With Miss Coco💋💕❤...$60 Special...Come Surprised-Leave Satisfied - 24
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, Killeen/HarkerHeights/CopperasCove)
Hello friend. Come explore. let go. Sensuality is my passion. skilled & well reviewed - 32
(Austin 35/290/183 area)
★ ★ Have Some Happy ,Holly and Jolly Fun With MissMolly 24/7 ★ ★ - 41
(Austin, incall north central)
slow deep dictation + Happy hour + GFE. Skilled in the art of Sensual stimulation. well reviewed - 33
(I-35 between 290/183 by Highland Mall)
★ ★ Gorgeous Brunette ~ Sweet & Sexy ~ Come get what you REALLY want ~ Available Now!! ★ ★ - 27
(Austin, Austin, Tx)
Good morning! Start your day off Smiling! GFE + Body Shampoo. Dont miss out. Well reviewed - 33
(I-35 between 290/183)
💎💎💎💎(Y_O_U_R'_E ) 👠👠👠👠°° (G_O_N_N_A) 🌹🌹🌹°° (L_O_V_E_) 💋💋💋°° (M_E_) CALL N♥W! 💎💎💎💎 - 21
(Austin, incall Domain Area)
** Your NEEDS My PRIORITY! AVAILABLE 24/7 ** - 23
(Austin, ((INCALL 35 & 290)) OUTCALL ((All OVER)))
_♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ♥◇YOUR °o♥o° §ATI§FACTION °o♥o° I§ ℳy ♥#1 PRIORITY ♛❤●♥oℳiX3d £XoTiC PlaYMaTe ♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ♥ - - 22
(Austin, YOUR PLACE💋 MY PLACE 35/290)
You need touch. Indulge in your desires. explore with me. Body shampoo + more .... eccie reviewed - 33
(Austin 35/290/183 area)
W 0 w! L ~ {♥}~ {♥}~ K -->SOak'N WET SMoKe'N *H O T* Brunette SPiNNeR - 23
(n. Austin* CuM C sexxy spinner chic)
▄▀▄▀▄▀ Whatcha Waiting On? Just Call I Dont Bite Not To Hard Anyway ▄▀▄▀▄▀ - 42
(Austin, incall north central)