Tue 21 Jan
$pecial$ !! Out & About .. Feel FREE to Call.. .662-7011.... Natural DDD's ~ Well Revieved! 24/7 - 42
(North, Near the Domain)
💋║█║║█║║█║★MO$T DE$$IRED & SEN$UAL Hot Petite Latina💋Available All Night║█║║█║║█║ABLo ESPAñOL - 23
(Austin, South)
Ms.Mollie thick sexy young latina ready to please...guys hurry CALL ME . - 20
(Austin, south austin)
Mz.Thickness $60 Fetish Friendly Open 24 hrs Come N See This - 26
Mid-day Mood $tabilizer $pecial$ ~Natural DDD's!~ *Newbie Friendly* 662-7011 - 42
(North, Near the Domain)
My last day here book now➡ Super Busty -- GiGi Paris ▐▐ Verified // Fun // Upscale Fun - 24
N-e-W ___I-n__ T-o-W-n__◆__ B—e— A—u—T—i—F—u—L __◆__ BlOnDe __◆__ P—L—a—Y —m —a—T—e__◆__ - 22
(Austin, I-35 & 290)
Mature, Attractive, W/ Skills & Talent! Stellar TCB & TRIPLE D's, Available *24/7* - 42
(North, Near the Domain)
MoRe *BaNG* FoR YoUr BuCk ___BuStY (*(*( 100% SaTiSfAcTiOn )*)*) ___*BlOnDe* - 21
💋║█║║█║║█║★MO$T DE$$IRED & SEN$UAL Hot Petite Latina💋💯% Real║█║║█║║█║ SE ABLA ESPAñOL - 23
(Austin, South Austin)
__M __y__ *__P __a__ n__t __i__e__s __* W__a __n__n __a __*__ C __o__ m__ e__ *__ - 24
(Come Horney ... Leave Happy)
{Mmm}} -:+:- °M°A °G° I °C° A °L °L°Y ° -:+:-° D °E °L°I °C° I° O°U ° S° -:+:- {{mmM}} - 21
(Austin, aUSTIN aREA)
LOOK•••••►☆• NEW •••••►☆• COLLEGE •★• bARbie •☆❤Ñ¡T€ L¡V€❤... - 19
(Austin, northwest incall // outcall)
L€T Me •¤ FiNiSH WHAT ¤• Y0UR €Y€S •¤ START€D *•-:¦:-•* - I KNOW ★*•-: JUST ★*•-: WHAT ★*•-: YOU - - - 21
(Waco, off i 35)
Mid-Day Mood $tabilizer$ CHECK THIS OUT!! ~Natural DDD's! Consistently Well Reviewed!! - 42
(North, Near the Domain)
Major Hottie **** (512)794-3910 **** csh /mc /visa / discover **** - 27
(Austin, Austin & Surrouding areas)
Mature MILF/Cougar Available for Mischief.. 646.535.9446 2/3-2/6 Taking Appt's Now - 51
(Austin, Downtown)
Mariah Lee Moore is ViSiTiNG this weekend only!! PuertoRican BOMBSHELL!! Amazing SPECiALS!! - 25
(Austin, i35 Austin)
::::Long Legs {{{{ALL AMERICAN GIRL Next Door}}}} Sexxxy Classy Sweet Doe Eyed Spinner.... - 22
(North Austin 35/183)
~~~~~ LoCal SwEeT~~ HEaRt~~~~~~ e NtiCiNG GeTaWaY !!!! Cool Off ~~M!LF HoTTie~~~~ - 28
(Austin, north / central Austin /183)
Melissa Guaranteed pleasure n includes motel for incalls tuesday special 125$ - 27
(Austin, burleson n Ben white, South)
((Local Hottie)) Well Reviewed ++ Big Booty Beauty ++ 2 Girls Available Always!!! face of an Angel - 21
(central austin)
⚠️L👀k Here⚠️💦Enticing 💋 Exotic 💋 Erotic 💦⚠️ 😛😍😛😍✌️ Hawaiian - 24
(Arboretum, Austin, North, Domain Area)
((Local Cutie!! )) Fun and Energetic :: Big Booty :: Cute Face :: 2girls Avail. :: 512-650-0025
(Central Austin)
Mary Jane 🎀👸🏼 petite and flexible 🔑 The domain area💎100 roses for 30 min💦 (346-801-9295) - 19
(Austin, Downtown, The domain/ aboretuim)
{{LOOK}} New Pics! Angelic Beauty w/Curves Amazing Skills green eyed Country Girl w/Cherrys on Top! - 22
(Central Austin Pravite InCall)
LoOkInG fOR The BEsT!!!LoOk No FuRther!!100% ReAl PiCs! New LocATion SpeCials! CaLl or Tx - 33
(Austin, Parmer & Metric ~ (N. Austin) or to YOU!)
__M __y__ *__P __a__ n__t __i__e__s __* W__a __n__n __a __*__ C __o__ m__ e__ *__O __f__ f __ - 18
(call for location....)
Limited Time Outcall Special ☆ Catch me while you can ☆ Sensual Latina Sasha - 25
‿↗⁀☆҉ ☆҉↘‿↗⁀҉‿ ☆❀° LOVELY ASIAN GiRLℒ‿↗⁀☆҉ ☆҉↘‿↗⁀҉‿ ☆❀° ╠╣😍T & Skilful‿↗⁀☆҉ ☆҉↘‿↗⁀҉‿ S£XY SWEET!! ☆ - 21
(Austin, I-35 & N Rundberg)
~~~~~ LoCal BlOnDe SwEeT~~ HEaRt~~~~~~ e NtiCiNG GeTaWaY !!!! ~~ HoTTie~ - 30
(Austin, north / central Austin /183)
L@@K --> $70 SPeCiAL!! GuYs, YoU DoN'T WaNNa MiSS THiS!! (TiLL 5PM ONLY!) - 44
(Austin, 183 & Oak Knoll/Duval)
~^~ LeTs MaKe GooD GrrrrrEaT!!!!! JuICy, SeXY, SeNsUoUs STAYSHA!!!! caLL or TEXt for SPeCiaLs !! - 32
(Austin, Parmer & Metric ~ (N. Austin) or to YOU!)
** DIANA ** / Blk&PuertoRican; 5'4" -145lbs Athletic & Curvy Newbie Friendly - 21
(Wells Branch/Metric)
Lighten up with up with Goddess Ambika, here until Saturday, Come discover Tantra from the best! - 27
*LOOK ---->; *STAR * GFE * PeRfEcT *PlaYmAtE *4'11 *blonde * gymnast* *Well * reveiwed!*!! - 28
(35N& 183)