Tue 21 Jan
mixed brunette princess - 25
(Arboretum, Austin, Downtown, East, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, North, Round Rock, South, Waco)
Looking for a nice, sexy and talented lady?? Call Me i WILL do what she wont... - 29
(Austin, 35/290 Central Austin)
======= ======= ((((Lets NOT make it an Accident)))) SLIP & FALL INTO SOMETHING PRETTY ============
(------Incall & Outcalls------------)
▓ ☆ ▓ ☆ ☆ LⓞVⓔ ☆WHAT ☆I ☆ ÐO ☜❤☞☆ ÅDDI©+!V € ⇨UPSCALE ⇨SUPER SEXY ⇨ ☆ 832 ☆ 909 ☆ 3294 ☆ - 24 Posted - 23
(Austin, 51&I35N;♥INCALLBY APP}♥OUT TO YOU♥ °•24/7)
°°*LET»- (¯ `v´ ¯)-» ME »- (¯ `v´ ¯)- » CATER » -( ¯ ` v´ ¯) »2»- (¯ `v´ ¯)- »U°°* - 24
(Austin And surrounding Areas)
lets have some fun 24/7 INCALLS👅💲60 specials💲4'11" thick thighs and everything nice💋🌸Layla🌸 - 19
(Austin, Austin, Tx near rundberg)
*LOOK ---->; *STAR * GFE * PeRfEcT *PlaYmAtE *4'11 *blonde * gymnast* *Well * reveiwed!*!! - 28
(35N& 183)
Lisa, The Best BBW on Backpage! ~*~ I Do it Harder & So Much Better!! ~*~ $65 S P E C I A L! - 37
(Austin, North Austin Incall off 183/Burnet Road)
LAST DAY IN TOWN ✨👑Sarah👑✨ Young Cutie With A Booty🍑💋 Chocolate Beauty 🌹60QV🌹 **NO BLACK MEN** - 19
(Austin, capital plaza INCALL ONLY, North)
Lets Play Together! I Am Ready For Fun! - 19
(Austin, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, San Marcos, Waco, anywhere you want me!)
( ( ** LeaViNG S00000N!!! !** ) ) $pend $um Tyme with SeNSuaL SuZiE !!! =][= DoNT MiSS OuT!! =][= - 21
(North Austin)
Lets play, got lots of yummi treats ~ new pics 65incall/ outcalls available - 25
(Austin, Central/North)
LAST DAY! LAST CHANCE! (100/special) EASTER SPECIAL! naughty hottie with booty 2! - 27
(Austin, south William cannon& congress)
❄️❄️🔥leT mE WaRm You Up🔥❄️❄️ 👅🌴SilKy MixeD EboNy🌹🐾🌹ITs ParTy TiMe!!🍓🍓🍓CaLL mE NoW💦💎💦 - 21
(Austin, ❄️❄️Arboretum🏩Incalls/Outcalls❄️❄️)
_______ __________ ______ Ladibug Arrived. Ready Set Book! Im Like a Turtle in the Race. UNRUSHED - 21
(Austin, Book Now or Forever Hold your "PIECE")
LAST MORNING ==> CraZy SeXy (MiXED PrinCESS) UltiMATE > SenSual EXperiENCE incall/outcall - 18
(Austin, i35 & 290 INCAll/OutCall Specials)
💋💕 Just Arrived! Latina BBW. New in town. Only here for short time. - 21
(35 & 290, Koenig, Austin, North)
INcall $69 $99 $199 ''''''' ~HoT !SpeCiaLs! 2niTe~ '''''''' OutCALL $99 $160 $220 - 28
JUDY (713)505-0294 ( $80 per hour INcall ) ESCORT !! MASSAGES !! & EXOTIC DANCER !! ! - 19
(St. Michaels : 7800 N. Ih 35 austin tx)
Independent, Established, Consistently Very Well Reviewed, Stellar TCB & Natural DDD's 662.7011 - 42
(north central)
💢 ((₷iNFULLY ₷€xY )) 💢 ((((₸h€ UL₸iMA₸€ ₱LAYMA₸€ )))) 💢 ((Upscale & Independent)) 💢 - 25
(Austin, South Austin)
▓█ INCALLS █▓ CLiCK HeRe ---->($ 60 80 140 $) • P€RF€CT CHOiC€ • (( 5 ★ ST☆R)) S€RViCE - 20
(Austin, 183-oakknoll)
I'M Ready to get Nasty .. Letz get started with a call..! - 34
(Austin, austin Arboretum Nw * BY A/P. WORLD WIDE)
😈 Incall 😈💋 BETTER 💋 than 💋 YOUR 💋 girlfriend 💋😈😈 SEXY BRUNETTE💋💋 - 22
(Austin, South, South Austin)
***I'm Deliciously Serving Up My Southern Grits & Eggs**** - 43
(Austin, Austin and Surrounding Areas)
Im all yours and its my pleasure!!! Pics are available upon request - 25
(austin/ lake way/westlake)
InCALLs ߒբ✴߇�Ǫ߇氟ǻ߇갟dz ⛅✴ ߅dz⛅߇갟Ǧ߇簟ǹ߇�Ţܴ Upscαℓε ßεαuty••ߒ˕R #1ߔݠPick ♥ - 24
(Austin, South Austin (S. IH 35))
i CaN ** S U C K ** a GoLf BaLL ThRu A GarDeN HosE !! __ iT's mY SpECiALty DaddY !! - 23
(183 & 35N)
~_*_~ ILl bE tHe bESt YoU eVeR hAD! *iLl bE yOUr bEsT kEpT sECrEt*eNjOy My KiND oF fUN! ~_*_~ - 23
========== =========== IM ((NOT)) THE GIRL NEXT DOOR ==== Im The FREAK UP The Street == 100special - 28
(Austin, South EAST Austin RIVERSIDE DR.)
IM HERE AUSTIN TX‼️😛😛😛💦💦💦💦💦💦💦Mixed Brazilian beauty goddess LEXI🌴🌴 👙👙👙👙👙💕💕 - 22
(Austin, North Austin Incalls)
I deliver. Every time. Car fun or you host. Lets get this weekend started. Ready now - 99
(Austin, Everywhere, North)
HoTT ALL AMeRicaN BLoNde SpiNNeR with A GEORGEOUS Azz 214-859-8605 - 25
////////Hot Colombian girl eXotic amazing////////// - 23
(Austin, Austin Downtown Austin Lake Travis)
@@@@@ Hot and ready Mixed Princess @@@@@@ YOUR TROPICAL SUMMER GET AWAY - 27
(Austin, Riverside & wickersham incall &outcall;)
***HoT -M!lF ** AleRt *** !!!! "Dude!!! is tHat youR MOM?????? *** DaMn!!!! SheS Hott!!!!!!! - 29
(Austin, Austin Area Only Please :-))
✶ * ✷ HoT FuN ✶ * ✷HoT GiRL✶ * ✷ HoT AcTioN✶ * ✷420 FuN - 31
(Austin, austin & surrounding areasOutcalls 2 u!!)
------- HOT ----- SEXXXY ---- BLONDE ----- Your NEW |W|ET|Dr3aM --------- - 21
(N. Austin/ I-35 & 290)
Have You Ever Tasted Choclate Have Three Times The Pleasure With Jamyn - Special 469-499-7253 - 18
❤💋Hook-Up With All American Blonde💦512-552-4642💦👄 - 23
(Arboretum, Austin, North, North Mopac Expy/ on Capital of Tx HWY)