Mon 27 Jan
💛💋💛Specials💙💋💙BBW💣💣💣Shell Fetishes Welcome SupaMouf Specialist Available Now💗 - 29
(Austin, Downtown, ❤290/I-35 INCALLS OUTCALLS💙)
💣💣💣Specials💣💣💣Fetishes Welcomed💋🍭💎Available Now Call Me💋💋💋 - 29
Special $$$$$All night special!!!! $$$$$$the BeSt in Texas!! $100 special!!!!!! - 19
(Austin, INCALLS 290 & 35 OUTCALLS)
Special¤.° FrEaKy ÊLLØW BØÑ PrInCeSs °.¤ Special ♡ Call Now 405-637-7014 - 19
(Austin, INCALLS 290 & 35 OUTCALLS)
SinFully Sweet(( Southern ))*FiReCrAcKeR* Tall,Blond and Just What you've been searching for - 24
(Austin baby!)
Special¤.° FrEaKy EBONY PrInCeSs °.¤ Special ♡ Call Now 405-822-2213 - 19
(Austin, INCALLS 290 & 35 OUTCALLS)
Sexy ~*~ Suductive ~*~ Latina ~*~ Specials ~*~ Specials *** HABLO ESPANOL *** - 22
(Austin, Austin 290 & 35 N Incalls/Outcalls)
SinFully Sweet(( Southern ))*FiReCrAcKeR* Tall,Blond and Just What you've been searching for.. - 25
(austin / central incall)
🎀🎀S i N F U L L ¥ * S W E E T !!! _-:¦:-💋 ——*UPSCALE & DiSCREET🎀🎀 - 24
(Austin, Incalls 35 N & 290 area/ out calls)
💯REAL 😍New pictures 😍😍😍 Paris 5'8 BLONDE 🌟🌟🌟tall natural beauty 💋💖HH INCALLSpecial 💦💖 - 20
(35 and 290 INCALLS & OUTCALLS, Austin, North)
★ ° 《《NeW GiRl》》 ° •.¸.•´¯° ★°•.¸《《 In TowN》》 ° ★°•《《LooKinG 2》》 ° ★°•《《GeT DowN》》 ° ★° - 19
(Austin, InCallS - N - OutCaLls ( 35 & 290 ))
i keep them comin back..... INCALL & OUTCALLS $65 special til 12:30 only! - 29
(Austin, INcall 290 & i35.N*Outcall house & hotel)
Tue 21 Jan
~¤~*SUPERFREAK (832)736-1455 Juicy BOOTY Late Nite $50.00 $pecials NEW Pics*~¤~ - 25
(Austin, IH-35/290 highland mall INCALLS/OUTCALLS)
💋💞Specials I 💕My REGULARS Bbw💞💣💣💣Shell🎂💞🚪 Fetish Friendly💎💎💎 - 29
Super Sunday~@~@ Super Freaky * Super Nasty * Super Ready * Call Now 405-822-2213 - 20
(Austin, INCALLS 290 & 35 OUTCALLS)
💎💎💎Specials💎💎💎Fetish Friendly SupaMouf Specialists🍭🍭🍭 Is On Duty Call Me - 29
SLeNdEr PettiE-DaRk AmAzOn BeAutY-New 2 CiTy-2GirL ShOwS WitH BiG OlE AzzZ ThiCkUmS 1DAY - 23
(Austin, 35-290-INCALLS-183 MOPAC &Research; Blvd)
🎉🎈💝🎊SPECIALS Huge Juicy Azzz SEXY New Pic Available Call Me PornStar Action🎉🎈🎊💝 - 29
(Austin, 290/IH-35 INCALLS/OUTCALLS🏩🏪)
SinFully Sweet(( Southern ))*FiReCrAcKeR* Tall,Blond and Just What you've been searching for - 24
(austin / central incall)
Russian Girls Do It Better! Let Me Prove It To You! Highly Reviewed & Verified! - 27
(Austin, Austin/ 35 and 290/ Incalls Only)
____ * (( R E D H E A D )) * ____ S_E_X_Y_ *_E_X_O_T_I_C _*_B_E_A_U_T_Y ____ - 23
(35 & 290 split/ N. Austin)
____________ ::OoOoh:: ___________ :: SoOo :: ___________ :: SeXii ::__________
Outcall💋💎👑Videoproof BootyLovers SPECIALS👑💎💋SupaMouf Specialists (Fetish💦💧Friendly) - 29
**$$New Sexy Playmate Louisiana Girls Do It Better$$** $60 Specials - 21
(Austin, InCalls & OutCalls 35 South @ 180 & 290)
NeW PiCS !!! Incredibly BUSTY Hot GIRL...21 yrs Old/////Brand NEW ***(REASONABLE RATES) 38DDD BUSTY
(NeW PiCS !!! 290/35)
💍💍💍🎆🎆New Years Two Girl Shows End Your Night with us - 21
(Austin, I 35 290 Dwntwn Incalls Outcalls)
***NeW pIcS bIg BoOtY eBoNy FrEaK MaTuRe GeNtLeMen OnLy U rEaDy 4 Me*** - 25
(Austin, INCALLS/OUTCALLS 290/35)
(New pics) 80Hr ***** Its My BIRTHDAY Weekend ***** 80Hr (New pics!!) - 19
(Austin, 290 & 35 (incalls & outcalls))
My💋💋💋 Wants Your 🍌🍌🍌 Can U Handle SupaMouf Skills Fetish🚪Friendly Specials Available Now - 29
(Austin, ❤290/I-35 INCALLS OUTCALLS💙)
*~*~ Mz.THICKNESS SuperFreak BOOTYLOVERS $pEcIaLs NEW Pics~*~* - 25
* LOOKS☆ GOOD☆ FEELS ☆ EVEN ☆ BETTER *-: :-- Call Now 405-822-2213 - 19
(Austin, INCALLS 290 & 35 OUTCALLS)
»» LooK!! »» ToTaL PaCKaGe »» SeXxXy.... R E D H E A D »» - 23
(35 & 290 split/ N. Austin)
🍒🍒🎶🎶🎸Let🎵Me🎶🎶roCkyOuR W0®Ld MixEd GoDeEss🎶🎶🎵InS&OUts; {[sweET]}REAdy🚿NoW🎵🎵🎶🎶🍒🍒 - 22
(Austin, ✳️✳️290/35🏩Incalls/Outcalls🚀✳️✳️)
Kinky Freaky Latina Sweet Late Night Treat *** HABLO ESPANOL *** - 22
(Austin, Austin 290 & 35 Incalls/Outcalls)
💎💍💋Late Nite 🍰🎂Treats Incall Holiday Specials💋🍭🍫SupaMouf Specialist On Duty🌠🌠🌠 - 29
J=A=W *_* D=R=O=P=P=I=N =G *_*E =L=I=T=E* _*E=X=O=T=I =C*__* R = e = D = h = E = A = d * - 23
(N. Austin)
Incalls Available🍯🍯🍯Your Bbw Fantasy💚❤💜💙SPECIALS🚪 Fetish Friendly💋 - 29
(Austin, ❤290/I-35 INCALLS OUTCALLS💙)
J=A=W *_* D=R=O=P=P=I=N =G *_*E =L=I=T=E* _*E=X=O=T=I =C*__* R = e = D = h = E = A = d * - 23
(290 & 35 FRW / NORTH AUSTIN)
*~*~I'M BACK Ask about hr ROSES Freaky $50.00 $pecials BOOTYLOVERS New Pics CALL Now~*~* - 25
(Austin, IH 35/290 INCALLS/OUTCALLS)
HOT "SPECIAL IN Cal$80 B oo ty I Make Toes Curl, Eyes Roll Back N Drive Minds Crazy! - - 20
(Austin, INCALLS 290 & 35 OUTCALLS)
____ _____ H o t . R e D h E a D N A U G H TY G I R L ! ___ Available Now __
*~*~* _____ H o t . R e D h E a D N A U G H TY G I R L ! ___ Available Now! __ - 23
(N. Austin)
🌸 🌸🌸🌸(( GORGEOUS )) *°♥•° O_N _E __ i_N __ A__ M_i_L_ L_i_O_N __ (( GORGEOUS ))🌸🌸🌸🌸 - - 24
(290&35 Incalls) Outcalls all over!!!, Austin)
GiRl NeXt DoOr FrEaKy sPeCiAls!!!NeW Pics 100% Me $100/Special Call Now!!!! 405-822-2213 - 20
(Austin, INCALLS 290 & 35 OUTCALLS)
!(¯`xXx´¯) »*°S W EE T *° E X o T i C °*TR e a T» 100% me (¯`xXx´¯) LaSt DaY hErE!!! - 23
(N. Austin)
🍯🍯🍯Your Bbw Fantasy💚❤💜💙SPECIALS🚪 Fetish Friendly I 💗My Regulars - 29
(Austin, 💙290/IH-35 INCALLS OUTCALLS💚)
!(¯`xXx´¯) »*°S W EE T *° E X o T i C °*TR e a T» 100% me (¯`xXx´¯) AvAiLaBlE nOw!!! - 23
(N. Austin)
🍯🍯🍯Your Bbw Fantasy💚❤💜💙Outcall SPECIALS🚪 Fetish Friendly💋Available Now - 29
(Austin, ❤290/I-35 INCALLS OUTCALLS💙)
!(¯`xXx´¯) »*°S W EE T *° E X o T i C °*TR e a T» 100% me (¯`xXx´¯) Available NOw!!! - 23
(35 & 290 slit/ N. Austin)
!(¯`xXx´¯) »*°S W EE T *° E X o T i C °*TR e a T» 100% me (¯`xXx´¯) Specials!!! - 23
(290 & 35 FRW / NORTH AUSTIN)
WiLD & FrEaKy -:¦:- BRoWNSkiN/ CaRRiBeAN/ LaTiNa MiX -:¦:- N@STy $PECi@L$ -:¦:- - 21
(Austin, INCALLS 290 & 35 OUTCALLS)
!(¯`xXx´¯) »*°S W EE T *° E X o T i C °*TR e a T» 100% me (¯`xXx´¯) LiMiTeD tImE!!! - 23
(N. Austin)
WHAT CAN ♥ I DO♥ TO PLEASE YOU ☆ Sp3c1als Call Now 405-822-2213 - 20
(Austin, INCALLS 290 & 35 OUTCALLS)
-:¦:- _________ Well Reviewed Cali Girl -:¦:- GoErGoUs ReDhEaD ____________ -:¦:- Last day here!!! - 23
(N. Austin)
Weekend Special ..... W/ San Diego's Sexiest Redhead. Anastasia Redd Is YOur #1 Pick (6192483737) - 23
Videoproof I'm Real Fetish Friendly💎💎💎Incall SPECIALS Available Now - 29
(Austin, ❤290/I-35 INCALLS OUTCALLS💙)
✰ uP aLL NiGhT ✿•*¨ BLoNdE BoMbSheLL ✰•✿•*¨*• SwEeT & SeXy ✰•✿•*¨*• MeLiSSa✰ 832* 458* 5317 ✰ - 23
(Austin, 290/35 N. (( INCALLS & OUTCALLS )))
(Austin, INCALLS 290 & 35 OUTCALLS)
💋💎👑©uM Fall N Love With My SupaMouf 60 SPECIALS Available👑💎� (Fetish💦💧Friendly) - 29
___ U____N____F ____O ____ R ____ G____ E____T____T ____ A____ B____L ____E___{{{ R E D H E A D }}} - 23
(35 & 290 split/ N. Austin)
💄💋█████████ ◥ TRY ME ██████████◣ SEXY MIXED &FREAKY; ◥███████████◣$60 $PECIALS █████████ 💄💋 - 21
(Austin, 35/290 incalls)
Thu 09 Jan
Sexy Kinky Ivy Up All Nite 6360415 Special..Cum n Get Frisky.Be Waitin 4 u Specials all Nite - 24
(N.Austin incall outcall I-35 290 183)
Tue 07 Jan
(NEW) {♥} :¨*: {DONT} °o© {BE} °o© {SHY} °o© {COME} °o© {PLAY} *: - 21
(Austin, INCALLS 290 & 35 NORTH AUSTIN)
Mon 06 Jan
😜😜SUPPer FrEAKy 🍭🍭 SUpperr WE🌊🌊 UpscALe taTtooED VIXEN - 22
(Austin, incalls 35 & 290 💋 outcalls, North)
~*~LAST DAY LEAVIN 2morrow 80 SPECIALS TREAT Yourself (832)736-1455 Sexy Pics~*~ - 25
(Austin, IH-35/290 INCALLS/OUTCALLS)
NICE A.S.S. & Great Skills 2 Match, Better Than S.U.P.A. , CAll if U Want 2 Spank Me !! - - 20
(Austin, INCALLS 290 & 35 OUTCALLS)
Sun 05 Jan
Special¤.° FrEaKy MIX PrInCeSs °.¤ Special ♡ Call Now 405-637-7014!!! - 19
(Austin, INCALLS 290 & 35 OUTCALLS)
i keep them comin back..... $65 Special limited time only! - 29
(Austin, INcall 290 & i35.N*Outcall house & hotel)
~*~Leavin 2day at Noon SPECIALS TREAT Yourself (832)736-1455 $50 $pecials Dont Miss Me~*~ - 25
Sat 04 Jan
SuLtRy SiReN.....With A Sexy Southern Twist ! // Well Reviewed & Available 24/7 - 24
(austin / central incall)
✰ Leaving Soon Hurry ✿•*¨ BLoNdE BoMbSheLL ✰•✿•*¨*• SwEeT & SeXy ✰•✿•*¨*• MeLiSSa✰ 832* 458* 5317 ✰ - 23
(Austin, 290/35 N. (( INCALLS & OUTCALLS )))